
When Is the Best Time to Workout?

When Is the Best Time to Workout?

  So you go to the gym on a daily basis. You might go to the gym first thing in the morning before starting your day on some days or you try to fit in workouts in the evening on other days. You might think that because you are exercising for the same amount of time – morning or evening – you will reap the same advantages. But did you know that the time of day you exercise has an impact on its effectiveness? Continue reading to learn more.   What Difference Does It Make When You Work Out at Different Times of the Day?   Credit: Quick and Dirty Tips   Because your body varies throughout the day, the time of day matters. The 'circadian rhythm' is your body's own unique rhythm. Your circadian clock controls your body temperature, metabolism, and sleep habits. Similarly, the impact of exercise on...
Alex Wittle - May 03, 2022
Does Cardio Help in Weight Loss?

Does Cardio Help in Weight Loss?

    Are you spending hours at the gym on the elliptical machine to get your cardio component in? Many people dislike high-intensity workouts and prefer to focus on strength training instead. Misconceptions regarding several topics continue to persist in the fitness community. For example, you can build abs by solely doing ab workouts, women bulk up from strength training, and so on. These are only a few examples. So, does cardio help in weight loss? Or is this just another fitness-related misstatement? Continue reading to learn more.   What Is Cardio?   Credit: Quick and Dirty Tips   Any rhythmic action that pushes your heart rate into your desired heart rate zone is known as cardio exercise or aerobic exercise. This is the area of the body that burns the most fat and calories. Some of the most common cardiovascular exercises include walking, cycling, and swimming. Household activities like...
Shmuel Apel - Apr 12, 2022
Why Training Your Core Is Important: Importance of Core Training

Why Training Your Core Is Important: Importance of Core Training

  When you think of someone with a strong core, you generally think of someone who does a lot of crunches. While body positivity is the current thing, many people still obsess over having a flat stomach. You don't need a strong core to have a flat stomach. So why is it vital to have a strong core if it doesn't guarantee a flat stomach? Continue reading to learn more.   What Are Core Muscles?     Credit: Men’s Health     Your core isn't merely your abs, contrary to popular assumption. These are some of the muscles found in your core:   1) Erector Spinae   This is a muscle that helps you stand up straight by wrapping around your spine.   2) Rector Abdominis   Also commonly referred to as "abs".   3) Obliques   These are the muscles on the sides of your torso that help you...
Shmuel Apel - Apr 05, 2022
Does Weight Training Make You Bulky? | Why You Need to Lift Weights

Does Weight Training Make You Bulky? | Why You Need to Lift Weights

  Many people, especially women, are frightened about turning into The Rock if they begin weight training. Is it true that lifting weights makes you bulkier? Continue reading to find out.   Why Weight Training Will Not Make You Bulky   Credit: Men’s Journal   1) Muscle Growth Is Really Difficult   For some, this is wonderful news; for others, it is devastating news. Muscle development is a long, sluggish process that needs years of attention, consistency, and work. Most people don't devote enough time or effort to achieving the physiques they want. It takes years to gain the kind of muscle that bodybuilders have, and there's a reason why there are so few professional bodybuilders: They go above and beyond what most people would do.   2) There Isn’t Enough Testosterone in Women’s Bodies To Make Them Bulky   If you're a lady who is worried about overpacking, this...
Shmuel Apel - Mar 16, 2022
Showing 85 - 88 of 95 results

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When Is the Best Time to Workout?

When Is the Best Time to Workout?

  So you go to the gym on a daily basis. You might go to the gym first...
May 03, 2022
Does Cardio Help in Weight Loss?

Does Cardio Help in Weight Loss?

    Are you spending hours at the gym on the elliptical machine to get your cardio component...
Apr 12, 2022
Why Training Your Core Is Important: Importance of Core Training

Why Training Your Core Is Important: Importance of Core Training

  When you think of someone with a strong core, you generally think of someone who does a...
Apr 05, 2022
Does Weight Training Make You Bulky? | Why You Need to Lift Weights

Does Weight Training Make You Bulky? | Why You Need to Lift Weights

  Many people, especially women, are frightened about turning into The Rock if they begin weight training. Is...
Mar 16, 2022