Many people, especially women, are frightened about turning into The Rock if they begin weight training. Is it true that lifting weights makes you bulkier? Continue reading to find out. Why Weight Training Will Not Make You Bulky Credit: Men’s Journal 1) Muscle Growth Is Really Difficult For some, this is wonderful news; for others, it is devastating news. Muscle development is a long, sluggish process that needs years of attention, consistency, and work. Most people don't devote enough time or effort to achieving the physiques they want. It takes years to gain the kind of muscle that bodybuilders have, and there's a reason why there are so few professional bodybuilders: They go above and beyond what most people would do. 2) There Isn’t Enough Testosterone in Women’s Bodies To Make Them Bulky If you're a lady who is worried about overpacking, this...
Shmuel Apel
Mar 16, 2022