The world of yoga has countless styles and forms, each one offering unique benefits to the body, mind, and spirit. Among these, restorative yoga has emerged as a popular practice, especially for those looking to counterbalance their hectic lives with tranquility. In this blog post, we will shed light on what restorative yoga is, its benefits, and the props used. Additionally, we'll delve into some poses that you can incorporate into your practice. Let's get started. What Is Restorative Yoga? Credit: Envato Elements/ seventyfourimages Restorative yoga is a gentle, calming style of yoga that focuses on balancing the mind and body. It integrates the principles of mindfulness and relaxation with the physicality of yoga postures. Unlike dynamic yoga styles that emphasize movement and strength, this style of yoga is characterized by long-held, fully supported poses that encourage passive stretching. The duration of each pose typically...
Alex Wittle
Jun 12, 2023